H A N A  H I L L E R O V A


gallery representation: Hiram Butler Gallery, 4520 Blossom, Houston, TX, 77007, (713)  863 7097



Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, 2005

University of Texas at Austin, Master of Fine Arts in Studio Art, Department of Art and Art History, Minor in

            Convergent Media at the College of Communication, 2004

Humboldt State University, Independent studies in Studio Art, Arcata, CA, 1998-2000

Charles University in Prague, Master of Teaching Art and Master of Teaching English as Other Language,

       Czech Republic, magna cum laude with departmental honors, 2000



S O L O   A N D   T W O   P E R S O N     E X H I B I T I O N S

ÒArtloversÓ, Kampus Hybernska, Charles University, Prague 2018

ÒDrawingsÓ, Hiram Butler Gallery, Houston, TX, 2015

ÒExistÓ, Prague City Gallery, Dum U prstenu, Prague, 2012

ÒReciprocal: Hana Hillerova and Suzie RosemarinÓ, curated by Mary Mikel Stump, Texas State University            

San Marcos, 2011

ÒConscious SpaceÓ, Devin Borden Hiram Butler Gallery, Houston, TX, 2009

ÒSculptures and WatercolorsÓ, Devin Borden Hiram Butler Gallery, Houston, TX, 2008

ÒTransfigurationsÓ, Lawndale Art Center, Houston, TX 2008

ÒThoughtformsÓ, Sala Diaz, San Antonio, TX 2007

ÒSuper SpaceÓ, Women and Their Work, Austin, TX, 2006

ÒEin Kessel BuntesÓ, First Street Gallery, Eureka, CA, 2005

ÒOctopusÕs GardenÓ, Fresh Up Club, Austin, TX, 2004



S E L E C T E D  G R O U P  E X H I B I T I O N S

ÒSouthern PacificÓ, curated by Paul Middendorf, Lawndale Art Center Houston, Marfa and Homeland Gallery         

Portland Oregon, 2011 and 2012

ÒTexas BiennialÓ, curated by Virginia Rutledge, Visual Art Center, University of Texas at Austin, 2011

 ÒMaquette ShowÓ, Devin Borden Hiram Butler Gallery, Houston TX, 2010

ÒDisturbance of DistanceÓ, Box 13, Houston TX, 2009

ÒHouston Area ShowÓ, Blaffer gallery, University of Houston, 2008

Ò22 to Watch: New Art in AustinÓ, Austin Museum of Art, Dallas Contemporary,

            Galveston Art Center, TX, 2005-6

ÒSLOMO VideoÓ, slow motion videos world tour, curated by Ryan Junell, San Francisco, CA, 2005-6

ÒDebutÓ, Mighty Gallery, San Francisco, CA, 2005

ÒPoolÓ, Reese-Bullen Gallery, Arcata, CA, 2005

ÒDenseÓ, Project Row Houses, Houston, TX, 2005

ÒHeydaysÓ, Creative Research Laboratory, Austin, TX, 2004

ÒElectricity and MeÓ, Gallery Lombardi, Austin, TX, 2004

ÒDomino Effect: Analog / DigitalÓ, Santa Fe Art Institute, Santa Fe, NM, 2004

ÒCinematexas - Terra CognitaÓ, Creative Research Laboratory, Austin, TX, 2003

ÒAustin PowersÓ, William's Tower, Houston, TX, 2003

ÒDigital ShowcaseÓ, Austin Museum of Digital Art, Austin, TX, 2003

ÒSuperstringÓ, Creative Research Laboratory, Austin, TX, 2003



A W A R D S  A N D  S C H O L A R S H I P S

Female Artist of the Year, Austin Critics Table Award, Austin, TX, 2005

Texas Prize Nominee, Arthouse at the Jones Center for Contemporary Art, Austin, TX, 2005, 2010

Graduate School Continuing Fellowship, University of Texas at Austin, 2003

College of Fine Arts Continuing Fellowship, University of Texas at Austin, 2002

College of Fine Arts Recruitment Fellowship, University of Texas at Austin, 2001

Graduate School Pre-emptive Fellowship, University of Texas at Austin, 2001

Agon Prize for the MasterÕs Thesis, Charles University in Prague, 2000

PresidentÕs Purchase Prize, StudentsÕ Jurried Show, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA, 1998

Reese-Bullen Gallery Prize, Humboldt State University, CA, 1998

Merit Scholarship, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, 1998

Best Print of the Year 1996, studentÕs category, Czech PrintmakerÕs Guild, Annual Juried Show, 1997



P R O F E S S I O N A L  E X P E R I E N C E

Artist and Contractor for sculptural installation ÒHouston Can You Hear Me?Ó, People Mover Terminal A,

George Bush Intercontinental Airport Houston, 2009-10

Director, Creative Research Laboratory, Department of Art and Art History, University of Texas at Austin, 2004-2006

Lecturer, Department of Art and Art History, University of Texas at Austin, 2004-2006

Exhibition Director, Austin Museum of Digital Art, Austin, Texas, 2003-2004

Digital Showcase Visual Art Coordinator, Austin Museum of Digital Art, Texas, 2003

Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Art and Art History, University of Texas at Austin, 2001-2003

Printmaking Lab Assistant, Humboldt State University, Arcata, California, 2000

Coordinator, University of Pennsylvania Summer School in Prague, Czech Republic, 1997, 1998, 1999

Art Teacher, Gymnazium Jana Keplera high school, Prague, Czech Republic, 1997